January Wishes | Sinhala Happy January Wishes, Greetings, Messages, Quotes, Nisadas

  • Although we talk less and meet very rarely, I still carry your love in my heart. May this year be joyful and wonderful for you. Happy New Year!
  • Every end marks a new beginning. Let nothing shake your determination and courage. We are always there by your side. Happy New Year! My child.

  • It’s normal to feel blue in January

  • January sees both the past and the future. It looks back to the old year and forwards to the new year.

  • The cold winters are not the end they are the beginning of the summer to come. 

  • The winter is hard but doesn’t worry, it’s not here to stay. 

  • January makes our hands and feet glow since it brings with it the snow.

  • What’s calendar’s ingrown hair? Well, it’s January.

  • The most powerful magic is the magic of new beginnings. 
  • We get to decide if our new year will be a new chapter, a new verse, or a new story. Ultimately, it is our choice. So, make a wise one.

  • The gifts that the new year shall bring to you shall depend on the presents you give to the new year.

  • The real purpose of the New Year is not just a new year but a new soul.

  • Each day is full of new hopes, aspirations, and desires. Each day must be put to its best use and not merely seen as another day.