Happy birthday to my ex-girlfriend, a
truly beautiful person inside and out!

Anybody who is graced with your
presence in their life is certainly a
very lucky person indeed, and I can
say that from experience!

Have a fantastic birthday, my dear,
at least one as fantastic as you are!  



Wishing you a very happy birthday today!
You may be an ex-girlfriend, but you’re
certainly not an ex-friend.

As long as we’ve known each other we’ve
always had a really special friendship, and
I’m so glad that just because our romantic
relationship didn't work out, it hasn’t
affected our friendship.

I hope that you’re always happy and
that you enjoy your special day today!

All the very best, my dear! 



To a special person that I once called
my girlfriend, but now just a great friend,
I want to wish you a very happy birthday!

I know that when most relationships end
so does the friendship, but I’m so glad
that we’ve still remained friends.

We went our separate ways for various
reasons, but I have only great memories
of the time we spent together. Those
memories will always remain dear in my
heart as it was a significant part of my life.

I hope you enjoy your special day, and
that you always find happiness!
Happy birthday!   


Happy birthday, my beloved ex!

I still miss you immensely, but when I start
missing you I just remind myself of the
great memories we made together and
think about how lucky I was to have you in
my life, however brief it might’ve been.

Have a truly lovely day, my dear!
And remember to always be happy,
as you deserve it! 


I never thought I’d be wishing you a happy birthday as an ex!

There was a time when I truly thought that we would be together forever!

But such is life, we went our separate ways, and all I want is for you to find true happiness in whatever you do!

There’s no hard feelings on my side, only gratitude for the amazing times we had together. Thank you for all of the happy memories we created!

Wishing you a lifetime filled with greatness and joy, and hoping that you have a truly happy birthday this year, my dear!